
Stroke survivors supporting stroke survivors to create meaningful lives and lifelong friends. To help prevent social isolation and depression. Improve daily life with laughter and discover BLISS (Better Life In Stroke Survival).

We run once a week from 10 am - 2 pm.
It's a big commitment to volunteer every week. It's great to go every week. It's a different story to be obligated and responsible.

Once a month is doable especially since you'll probably be there most of the time anyway. We decided to run with Stroke Survivors. Through our experience with the BLAST Easter weekend, we found ourselves doing more and more each year. We were so at ease with each other and familiar with what we were doing it came on naturally.

Our philosophy is 'therapy under the guise of fun'. Life is therapy. Stroke is forever. So make your life your work. Focus on ability and the things you still do well. Most important have a nap, bow out, nod off, lie down, and breathe. Stress and fatigue are magnified for a Strokee and we all 'get' that. You can't force your way through disability. Use your abilities with the mindset of an athlete.

Getting back on track; break everything down to small tasks to suit capability. There should be two team leaders for each week. At SOCIALS generally, we have (subject to change

  • 1st week Bingo Jose Delane

  • 2nd week Dance Party Heather Danny

  • 3rd week COSCO Talk Deb Presenter

  • 4th week Arts and Crafts Judy Caroline

In the morning we have coffee, exercise, sing-alongs, word games, other games

If a new person shows up we do individual introductions around the table

Should a deep discussion crop up it takes over, we don't plan them. They just happen.

Jobs should be broken down engaging the lower functioning people who want to help. One might ask rather than making them responsible. Every stroke is different and we do our best when there is no stress and we're having fun.

The first two years post-stroke professionals in healthcare are giving you a lot of attention. Stroke survivors should participate to the best of their ability, in everything that is offered. Canadian Stroke Best Practices is full of good information including a checklist for enabling self-management.

In transitioning back to the community they should attend something like SOCIALS and or a facilitated group. It might not be right at the time, but they will meet other survivors and know we exist. The difference with SOCIALS is a sense of belonging. We play an active role in making it happen. It gives us purpose and pride in doing it for ourselves and each other.


Our group decided to have complete autonomy. We do not apply for funding. We ask for $5 drop-in. Includes AM coffee, cookies, and lunch. We have free space provided by Co:Here Housing Community. Finding free space was challenging. Hopefully, using BLAST SOCIALS as a proven model will help others.