
Thanks for the best time at the Stroke Club BLAST SOCIALS

Just want to send our thanks to all the Strokers for the warm and friendly welcome you gave to Ed and I, on our first visit to your club in June. It was such a pleasure!  We did so enjoy meeting everyone of you and getting to share in all your fun!

To be honest at first we did not know what to expect, when our good friend Heather invited us to visit your club!  Though over many years we had heard great reports about all the good times, programs and activities at your meetings. Heather told us of how much she looks forward to the weekly get-together, with you all!  Now after experiencing the fun-time ourselves, we do fully understand!  

We could see how very beneficial this lovely social time is for everyone! We also must compliment all of you on how everyone contributes in such an equitable manner to making this club such a success! It is easy to see how this has resulted in the perfect amiable fellowship!  

We did so appreciate getting to talk to each of you. Then enjoyed the  delicious lunch! Had the opportunity to participate in the exercise program, and the singing and dancing! It was all wonderful!

Best of all was seeing how you all are so caring of one another!  

We want to thank you again for giving us such a great time! Actually we would like you all to know, that our time with you was definitely the highlight of our wonderful trip to Vancouver! We hope you will invite us back again to be part of your day,  on our next trip, to Beautiful B. C.

Sending our best wishes for many more fun future meetings.  

Lorna Kozuchar and Ed Kubert!                                                   June 2023


I loved your December 2018 newsletter which followed a shared event, in celebration of Christmas.  It was thrilling to see how 2 groups merged, S.O.C.I.A.L.and Co:Here at Salsbury Community Society, located at 1723 Victoria Drive and East 1st.

The acronym 'Survivors Offering Camaraderie In Active Living Support' is perfect for everyone involved and feels to me like a higher power made it work.  Thanks to Deb. for starting the ball rolling and the contribution and participation of Co.Here at S.C.S. a new door had opened to lovely possibilities. 

Congratulations to all involved.

Sue Chalmers

North Shore Stroke Recovery Center